04 March 2007

The Tail End of the Eclipse

ok, I know these aren't great photos, but I hope there's a bit of the Silence Of The Event communicated. It being a Saturday night and springy weather, there were people all on the street coming and going and I didn't see a single one look up at this! Not even the hobo outside the wine shop, who I thought for sure would notice.

This looks like yolks separating but it's just the movement of the camera. At this point there was a bite on the top right which was still obscured.

A bit of ancient history: "The Moon was represented by a mirror in China. During an eclipse, people beating on mirrors is a very old tradition. It was believed that a dragon swallowed the Moon during an eclipse and beating the mirrors would cause the dragon to cough it up and return it to the sky...."

So we got some mirrors out and started banging on them and sure enough,

after a bit of a struggle,

The dragon finally let it go.


Unknown said...
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Marketa Klicova said...

Yes, everyone is beautiful when you're drunk.