"that is zhe real one to die. the BEST SONG,I EVER HEAERD....
amy, you are stronger than me . MY QUEEN"
"I can't believe she's not American!
What an astonishingly talented singer/songwriter genius Amy is,
long may she rain in our hearts"
"America needs to change in their music scene..you are STUCK,
and have been stuck for about 15 years in RnB.
The brits have moved on already! (this song is an example)
You Americans are so afraid of change"
-"What do you mean the brits have moved on. Just about
everything from the British music scence has been influenced by American music. LeonaRulez (11 months ago) I mean they need a change. we have moved on, The Scissor sisters know this, they are american but they rejected them because they are too different, the UK accept change a whole lot better than you do. kyasst (11 months ago) I agree 150 percent. David beckham, RnB, all of it. Influenced by american RnB and urban culture. British people have no soul. Theres no flava in england. DONT get it twisted miss leona rulez... vexed999 (11 months ago) "I agree 150 percent. David beckham, RnB, all of it. Influenced by american RnB and urban culture. British people have no soul. Theres no flava in england. DONT get it twisted miss leona rulez..."
You sir, have NO knowledge of music, what so ever. LeonaRulez (11 months ago) I'm female..and of course i have knowledge..I think you dont understand my point. I cnt be bothered to explain it again..since when was I discussng soul? kyasst (11 months ago) Haha. i work in the music business. what do u do?...u MUST be british. haha. blaxican93454 (11 months ago) ok...this is to kyasst. The United Kingdom is slightly smaller than the state of Oregon! Out of that TINY place we get some of the best,most influential, most diverse music in the world. True, Black America invents it(jazz- blues- hip hop) and then the UK refines and expands it. Its been this way since the 1st British invasion. And it still is. You just don't know cause clear channel controls everything you hear on the radio now. its truly sad. Cutchswife (11 months ago) lol This is RNB! Just 50's stylee. This is proper Rnb! hey im sorry i kno im carazay but what is this song about?? i cant understand what the lyrics mean read the sentence at the end of the track... he broke her hart and she died...
she baruid her heart
Oh and anyone who says she's UGLY, wow NEWSFLASH. In other news Hadrian builds wall.